Database of nuclear tests, USSR/Russia: Introduction
Column data and Codes:
- Test series--year
- Shot name--number in official Russian listing, Russian shot/program name if known, U.S. nickname in parenthesis
- Shot code--
- S--salvo test, first listed detonation
- SS--salvo test, additional detonations
- X--event not including in official Russian listing
- Year, month, day (GMT)
- Time (GMT)
- Site--
- test sites:
- MTR--Missile Testing Range
- NZ--Novaya Zemlya:
- NZ-CB--Novaya Zemlya, Chernaya Bay
- NZ-MB--Novaya Zemlya, Mityushikha Bay
- NZ-NS--Novaya Zemlya, Northern Site (Matochkin Shar)
- NZ-SS--Novaya Zemlya, Southern Site (Belushya)
- STS--Semipalatinsk Test Site:
- STS-B--Semipalatinsk, Balapan
- STS-D--Semipalatinsk, Degelen
- STS-GZ--Semipalatinsk, Ground Zero (Technical Area Sh)
- STS-SU--Semipalatinsk, Sary-Uzen
- STS-T--Semipalatinsk, Telkem
- outside test sites:
- -KZ--Kazakhstan:
- -KZ-BA--Kazakhstan, Bolshoy Azgir area
- -KZ-KA--Kazakhstan, Karachaganakskoye oil field
- -KZ-MA--Kazakhstan, Mangyshlak oblast
- -RU--Russia:
- -RU-A--Russia, Arkhangelsk area
- -RU-AS--Russia, Astrakhan gas deposit
- -RU-BK--Russia, Bashkir
- -RU-K--Russia, Krasnoyarsk area
- -RU-M--Russia, Murmansk
- -RU-O--Russia, Orenberg area
- -RU-P--Russia, Perm area
- -RU-T--Russia, Tuymen area
- -RU-YK--Russia, Yakutia
- -TU--Turkmenistan
- -UK--Ukraine
- -UZ--Uzbekistan
- Latitude (° N) and Longitude (° E)
- Location/time code--
- A--announced/ground truth
- C--time conversion uncertain
- S--seismic determination
- *--time or lat./long. presumed
- Hole designation--shaft or tunnel number
- Height of burst--negative indicates depth
- Ground zero altitude--negative indicates water depth, 0 indicates water of unknown depth
- Ground zero code--
- A--announced/ground truth
- D--derived
- DMN--derived, minimum depth
- DMX--derived, maximum depth
- MX--maximum height/depth
- ?--uncertain
- Type of detonation--
- A--atmospheric
- A-AD--airdrop
- A-CM--cruise missile
- A-R--rocket or missile
- AH--atmospheric, high altitude (between 30 km and 80 km)
- AS--atmospheric, surface
- AS-AD--airdrop
- AS-R--rocket or missile
- AS-T--tower
- AW--atmospheric, water surface
- AW-AS--anti-submarine weapon or torpedo
- AW-CM--cruise missile
- AX--space (altitude over 80 km)
- UG--underground
- UG-CS--cavity, shaft
- UG-M--mine
- UG-S--shaft
- UG-T-tunnel
- UW--underwater
- UW-AS--antisubmarine weapon or torpedo
- UW-B--barge
- Purpose--
- FS--fundamental science
- I--industrial applications:
- I-CV--cavity excavation
- I-EM--earth-moving
- I-FE--extinguishing of oil/gas well fire
- I-OS--oil stimulation
- I-SS--seismic sounding
- JV--joint verification
- ME--military exercise
- PR--research for peaceful applications
- SE--safety experiment
- ST--storage/transportation experiment
- VU--Vela uniform
- WE--weapons effects
- WR--nuclear weapons related
- Yield, minimum and maximum--in kt, Russian figures
- Yield, estimated--in kt, reported figures from unofficial or Western sources
- Yield notes--
- MX--maximum
- R--reported
- S--seismic estimate
- Yield, preferred value--incorporation information on annual total yields and compiler's model of yield-to-seismic magnitude relations (note: seismic estimate values for Semipalantisk tests, 1964-1976, may be high by 30%)
- Magnitude Mb--seismic magnitude
- Crater--number indicates diameter in meters, C indicates crater or collapse pit resulted
- Vented--V indicates venting occurred; radioactivity release, if known, is given in curies (Ci), kilocuries (kCi), or megacuries (MCi)
- Device
- FZ--fizzile
- IC--implosion, composite core
- IP--implosion, plutonium core
- IU--implosion, uranium core
- ND--no detonation
- SL--sloika/layer cake thermonuclear (number indicates % fission)
- TN--thermonuclear, multistage (number indicates % fission)
- Warhead--designation (or by delivery system followed by "wh")
- Sponsor--design bureau (KB-11 or Ch-70)
- Reported--
- A--annouced by USA prior to 1990
- S--announced by USSR prior to 1990
- X--not included in official Russia test lists (1996-1999)
Compiled by Wm. Robert Johnston.
Last modified 15 June 2005.