Database of nuclear tests, United States: Introduction
Column data and codes:
- ID no.--number in this listing
- Series
- Shot name--name
- Shot code--
- X--not included in some listings
- Year, month, day (GMT)
- Time (GMT)
- Site--
- test sites:
- AK--Amichitka Island, Alaska
- BK--Bikini Atoll, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (now Marshall Islands)
- EN--Enwetak Atoll, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (now Marshall Islands)
- JO--Johnston Island
- LI-CH--Christmas Island, Line Islands (now Kiritimati), Pacific Ocean
- NARF--Nellis Air Force Range, Nevada
- NM-A--Alamagordo area, New Mexico
- NV--Nevada Test Site, Nevada, USA:
- NV-FF--NTS, Frenchman Flat
- NV-PM--NTS, Pahute Mesa
- NV-RM--NTS, Rainier Mesa
- NV-YF--NTS, Yucca Flat
- NV-15--NTS, Area 15
- NV-16--NTS, Area 16
- NV-18--NTS, Area 18
- NV-30--NTS, Area 30
- outside testing areas:
- -CO--Colorado
- -JP--Japan (two combat uses)
- -LA--Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico
- -MS--Mississippi
- -NM--New Mexico (outside test ranges)
- -NV--Nevada (outside test ranges)
- -PAC--Pacific Ocean
- -SATL--South Atlantic Ocean
- Latitude (° N) and Longitude (° E)
- Location code
- Hole designation--area for Nevada Test Site shots
- Height of burst--negative indicates depth
- Ground zero altitude--0 indicates burst above/below water
- Ground zero code
- Type of detonation--
- A--atmospheric
- A-AD--airdrop
- A-B--balloon
- A-R--rocket or missile
- AH--atmospheric, high altitude (between 30 km and 80 km)
- AS--atmospheric, surface
- AW--atmospheric, water surface
- AX--space (altitude over 80 km)
- CR--cratering burst (shallow subsurface)
- UG--underground
- UG-S--shaft
- UG-T--tunnel
- UG-TC--cavity in tunnel
- UW--underwater
- Purpose--
- C--combat use, strategic warfare
- PR--peaceful research
- SE--safety experiment
- ST--safety/transport experiment
- VU--Vela uniform test
- WE--weapons effects
- WR--nuclear weapons related
- Yield, minimum and maximum--in kt, announced figures
- Yield, estimated--in kt, reported figures from unofficial sources
- Yield notes
- Yield, preferred value
- Magnitude Mb--seismic
- Crater--diameter in meters
- Vented--radioactivity release in curies
- Device
- BF--boosted fission
- FZ--fizzile
- IC--implosion, composite core
- IP--implosion, plutonium core
- IU--implosion, uranium core
- LI--linear implosion, plutonium core
- ND--no detonation
- TC--thermonuclear, multistage, "clean" (less than 30% fission yield)
- TD--thermonuclear, multistage, "dirty" (more than 60% fission yield)
- TN--thermonuclear, multistage (number indicates % fission)
- Warhead
- Sponsor
- Reported
- Notes
Compiled by Wm. Robert Johnston.
Last modified 7 February 2008.