Database of nuclear tests, France: Introduction
Column data:
- ID number--sequential number in listing
- Shot name--French name
- Shot code--
- S--salvo test, first listed detonation
- SS--salvo test, additional detonations
- X--not included in some listings
- Year, month, day (GMT)
- Time (GMT)
- Site--
- AL--French Algeria:
- AL-IE--French Algeria, In Ecker (CSEM)
- AL-R--French Algeria, Reggane Proving Ground (CEMO)
- PFA--Pacific Test Site (CEP), Fangataufa:
- PFA-FR--Fangataufa, Fregate zone
- PFA-L--Fangataufa, lagoon
- PFA-L2--Fangataufa, lagoon, area 2
- PFA-R1--Fangataufa, rim, area 1 (southern rim)
- PMU--Pacific Test Site (CEP), Mururoa:
- PMU-L--Mururoa, lagoon (areas 5, 6, 7)
- PMU-CO--Mururoa, Colette zone
- PMU-DE--Mururoa, Denise zone
- PMU-DI--Mururoa, Dindon zone
- PMU-R--Mururoa, rim (areas 1, 2, 3, 4)
- PMU-R34--Mururoa, rim, areas 3 and 4 (islands of Zoe and Yvonne)
- Latitude (° N) and Longitude (° E)
- Location code
- Hole designation
- Height of burst--negative indicates depth
- Ground zero altitude--0 indicates burst above/below water
- Ground zero code
- Type of detonation--
- A--atmospheric
- A-AD--airdrop
- A-B--balloon
- AS--atmospheric, surface
- AW--atmospheric, water surface
- AW-B--balloon
- AW-BG--barge
- UG--underground
- Purpose--
- PR--research for peaceful applications
- SE--safety experiment
- WE--weapons effects
- WR--nuclear weapons related
- Yield, minimum and maximum--in kt, announced figures
- Yield, estimated--in kt, reported figures from unofficial sources
- Yield notes
- Yield, preferred value
- Magnitude Mb--seismic
- Crater--diameter in meters
- Vented--radioactivity release in curies
- Device
- BF--boosted fission
- ER--enhanced radiation
- FZ--fizzile
- IP--implosion, plutonium core
- ND--no detonation
- TN--thermonuclear, multistage (number indicates % fission)
- Warhead
- Sponsor
- Reported
- Notes
Compiled by Wm. Robert Johnston.
Last modified 20 February 2008.